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Please read and enjoy these uplifting messages

Ordinances: the Three Tests of Life
2023 Summer Conference Devotional- Patriarch Terry Smith

Why this Night is Different
“Why is this night different from all other nights?” This question is asked by thousands of children during Passover Seders every year. ...

The War Chapters- Part Four: Responding to Trials
How do we respond to trials that come during our lives?

War Chapters Part Three- Leadership
Leadership is hard to define. There are many quotes and explanations floating around which can give conflicting messages. To compound...

The War Chapters- Part Two: Revelation
In part one of the War Chapters series, we looked at how Moroni prepared the people. In this second article, we will be seeing how he...

The War Chapters- Preparation
The War Chapters- What are they Good for? The Book of Alma is the largest book in the Book of Mormon. It covers almost forty years of...

Doctrine, Principles, and Applications
Missions are a great place to learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are taught much in Primary, Young Men’s, Young Women’s, and...

Stake Book of Mormon Reference Guide
In the latter part of 2022, stake members were invited to share their favourite scriptures from the Book of Mormon. These scriptures...

The Greatest Story
Why does the birth of Christ matter?

The Divine Role of Stake Presidents
“HABEMUS PAPAM!!” These two words bring joy to Catholics around the world. It signifies the election of the next pope. It ends a...

Let it Be Simple
“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That not even Solomon in...

Ideas to Ponder and Refine by Study and Revelation
“If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and...

A Sacred Trust from the Lord
In the General Conference of April 2021, Elder Quinton L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles concluded his talk with these words:...

Little book. Little verse. Big thoughts.
“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but...

The Worth of the Atonement
The Lord commanded the Children of Israel to hold many celebrations and observances throughout the year. They were all instituted to...

Two days between Heaven and Earth
10 Sessions, 10 Different Temples This story begins as innocently as most other stories that begin at an event called “Meat fest”. Prior...

Pearls Before Swine
In 870, Boris I- Tsar of Bulgaria, formally completed the process of converting his people to Christianity. As significant as this was...

YSA- A Missionary Tool
Hello, I am Shaylee Rice and I was asked to share a story about missionary work, so I decided to share my personal conversion story. I...
Faith Sufficient To Be Healed- Short
On August 27, 2017 the first Young Single Adult (YSA) stake in Canada was created in Lethbridge, Alberta. Eric R. Wilde of Lethbridge was...
“… but they were in one, the children of Christ…”
By: President David L. Orr- First Counselor, Stake Presidency Today I will speak to a very sensitive topic on behalf of the Stake...

“Fear Not Little Flock”
By: Patriarch Terrence Smith One of the disadvantages of living in the latter days is that annoying and trying things happen. Those...

Easter is a special time of year. It is congruent with the beginning of spring; a time when life returns to the earth- crops are sown,...
Is it the Doctrine- or My Misunderstanding?
By President David L. Orr May 28, 2021 When recently studying the “Come Follow Me” reading in section 50, I again found myself pondering...

Aint’s, Faints, or Saints?
I’m pleased and honoured to be with you today. It is good to be together again. As I helped to prepare the sacrament this morning, as I...

The Blessings of Priesthood Service
“The power and authority of the higher, or Melchizedek Priesthood, is to hold the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the church—To...
Faith Sufficient to Be Healed- A Testimony for the Rising Generation
by David L. Orr And [Christ] said unto them: Behold, my bowels are filled with compassion towards you. Have ye any that are sick among...
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