Hey everyone! My name is Rebekah Tustian and I am the Stake Relief Society President! I was originally born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, and grew up in a family of seven! I have my parents, three sisters, and one brother! I grew up playing lots of sports and spending time playing games and sports with my family!

I was called to serve in the Canada Edmonton Mission during Covid, and absolutely loved my time in Northern Alberta! I loved Alberta so much that after my mission, I decided to come back out to Lethbridge to finish my degree in Education, majoring in Kinesiology and Physical Activity! My dream is to eventually teach Kindergarten and coach school sports teams!
I know that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and our Redeemer! I am eternally grateful for his sacrifice for each of us, so that we can repent, and become like Him! I am excited to get to know all of you, serve with you, and ultimately LOVE each and everyone of you!